The Zoomsun CDD15E Electric Walkie Stacker offers a compact and lightweight design that transforms how you manage warehouse space. Its small footprint allows you to navigate narrow aisles and tight layouts effortlessly. You can optimize your warehouse layout by utilizing its advanced stacking capabilities, which increase vertical storage and free up valuable floor space. Danensures smooth handling and precise navigation, even in confined areas. Jekk qed tfittexjew a.
Key Takeaways
Is-CDD15E joffri kapaċitajiet impressjonanti ta 'stivar, b'għoli massimu ta' lift sa 3500mm. Din il-karatteristika tippermettilek tieħu vantaġġ sħiħ mill-ħażna vertikali, u tillibera spazju għall-art għal użi oħra. You can stack goods higher without compromising stability, making it easier to store more inventory in the same area. Din l-effiċjenza vertikali hija game-changer għall-imħażen b'filmati kwadri limitati.
Immaġina li tmexxi maħżen żgħir bi spazju limitat. You might struggle to store inventory efficiently while maintaining smooth operations. One business faced this exact challenge. Billi introduċew is-CDD15E Electric Walkie Stacker, huma biddlu t-tqassim tal-maħżen tagħhom. Its compact design allowed them to navigate narrow aisles with ease. They used its high stacking height to store goods vertically, freeing up valuable floor space. This change increased their storage capacity and improved workflow efficiency.
Li taqleb għas-CDD15E mhux biss tibbenefika n-negozju tiegħek iżda wkoll tappoġġja l-isforzi globali lejn is-sostenibbiltà.
Is-CDD15E jista 'jerfa' sa 1500kg (madwar 3,300 libbra). Din il-kapaċità tagħmilha
The lead-acid battery provides up to 4 hours of working time after an 8-hour charge. Il-karatteristika tal-qtugħ awtomatiku tipprevjeni l-iċċarġjar żejjed, li testendi l-ħajja tal-batterija.
Ħin ta 'wara: Frar-14-2025